;; comparison-class throws exceptions for some types that might be
;; useful to include.
(defn comparison-class [x]
(cond (nil? x) ""
;; Lump all numbers together since Clojure's compare can
;; compare them all to each other sensibly.
(number? x) "java.lang.Number"
;; sequential? includes lists, conses, vectors, and seqs of
;; just about any collection, although it is recommended not
;; to use this to compare seqs of unordered collections like
;; sets or maps (vectors should be OK). This should be
;; everything we would want to compare using cmp-seq-lexi
;; below. TBD: Does it leave anything out? Include anything
;; it should not?
(sequential? x) "clojure.lang.Sequential"
(set? x) "clojure.lang.IPersistentSet"
(map? x) "clojure.lang.IPersistentMap"
(.isArray (class x)) "java.util.Arrays"
;; Comparable includes Boolean, Character, String, Clojure
;; refs, and many others.
(instance? Comparable x) (.getName (class x))
:else (throw
(ex-info (format "cc-cmp does not implement comparison of values with class %s"
(.getName (class x)))
{:value x}))))
(defn cmp-seq-lexi
[cmpf x y]
(loop [x x
y y]
(if (seq x)
(if (seq y)
(let [c (cmpf (first x) (first y))]
(if (zero? c)
(recur (rest x) (rest y))
;; else we reached end of y first, so x > y
(if (seq y)
;; we reached end of x first, so x < y
;; Sequences contain same elements. x = y
;; The same result can be obtained by calling cmp-seq-lexi on two
;; vectors, but cmp-vec-lexi should allocate less memory comparing
;; vectors.
(defn cmp-vec-lexi
[cmpf x y]
(let [x-len (count x)
y-len (count y)
len (min x-len y-len)]
(loop [i 0]
(if (== i len)
;; If all elements 0..(len-1) are same, shorter vector comes
;; first.
(compare x-len y-len)
(let [c (cmpf (x i) (y i))]
(if (zero? c)
(recur (inc i))
(defn cmp-array-lexi
[cmpf x y]
(let [x-len (alength x)
y-len (alength y)
len (min x-len y-len)]
(loop [i 0]
(if (== i len)
;; If all elements 0..(len-1) are same, shorter array comes
;; first.
(compare x-len y-len)
(let [c (cmpf (aget x i) (aget y i))]
(if (zero? c)
(recur (inc i))
(defn cc-cmp
[x y]
(let [x-cls (comparison-class x)
y-cls (comparison-class y)
c (compare x-cls y-cls)]
(cond (not= c 0) c ; different classes
;; Compare sets to each other as sequences, with elements in
;; sorted order.
(= x-cls "clojure.lang.IPersistentSet")
(cmp-seq-lexi cc-cmp (sort cc-cmp x) (sort cc-cmp y))
;; Compare maps to each other as sequences of [key val]
;; pairs, with pairs in order sorted by key.
(= x-cls "clojure.lang.IPersistentMap")
(cmp-seq-lexi cc-cmp
(sort-by key cc-cmp (seq x))
(sort-by key cc-cmp (seq y)))
(= x-cls "java.util.Arrays")
(cmp-array-lexi cc-cmp x y)
;; Make a special check for two vectors, since cmp-vec-lexi
;; should allocate less memory comparing them than
;; cmp-seq-lexi. Both here and for comparing sequences, we
;; must use cc-cmp recursively on the elements, because if
;; we used compare we would lose the ability to compare
;; elements with different types.
(and (vector? x) (vector? y)) (cmp-vec-lexi cc-cmp x y)
;; This will compare any two sequences, if they are not both
;; vectors, e.g. a vector and a list will be compared here.
(= x-cls "clojure.lang.Sequential")
(cmp-seq-lexi cc-cmp x y)
:else (compare x y))))